
Brightwind – Episode 5 “Showdown in Castletown”

It was a big one today. Mammoth session, and an important story beat for the campaign. Let’s get into it. The session began with the party, plus Duck and minus Borfel, driving towards Castletown. They got unlucky again, and were caught in another storm, but aside from brief stints where strange, source-less music played, Monk […]


Brightwind – Episode 4 “Vehicular Combat in the Desert at Night”

So this will be a brief one, I think, because it was dominated by a single, large combat. But we’ll get to that. The session began with the party beginning their pursuit of the convoy as it left Castletown, heading south. They kept their distance and managed to go undetected until the convoy stopped at […]


Brightwind – Episode 3 “Arena Zombies”

Beginning the session in the town of Castletown, an industrial hodgepodge of scrappers, smithies, burly, aggressive individuals, and markets, all built up around an old, stone keep surrounded by a wall, the party asked around and learned a little about the town and its unofficial warboss, Cousin Dirkolai. However, their research also brought upon them […]


Brightwind – Episode 2 “The Foot to the Wastes”

To start off, a little housekeeping. The Blue Fern’s player has had to pull out of the campaign due to those annoying real life responsibilities that got in the way last week. It’s possible she’ll show up again down the line, but for the foreseeable future, the Blue Fern is MIA. In a similar vein, […]


The Dirty Little Penguin Who Could

This week’s video is something a little different. It’s not even about D&D. I actually didn’t intend to make a video, as I’ve managed to start my new year off swimmingly by having a cold, but then I happened to be looking through some of the footage I recorded when I visited Antarctica in 2017 […]