I debated whether to title this post ‘I’m Still Here’ or ‘I’m Back’, but I haven’t actually been anywhere (yet – more on that in a bit), I’ve just been super busy, so I figured the former was the better choice. It’s been a little over six months since my last post, and those six months have been quite full for me, and continue to be so. I’ll try to keep this brief (and where relevant I will elaborate on some of these excuses reasons in full posts further down the track).
First and foremost, I finished my book. Ish. A couple of days ago I put the final touch onto the Beta version and gave it to a couple of readers to get some feedback. I have no doubt it will require more tweaking, but at the moment I’m waiting for that feedback (and putting off reading it myself, which I really need to do), so I can finally do some writing about something else. This is the main reason I haven’t done any blogging. Every time I’ve sat down to write anything since the start of the year I have worked on my book, and as I’ve written about before, when I’ve got the drive to work on it it will always be my first priority.
Other than work on my book, what else has been keeping me from my blog, I imagine you crying at your computer screen in the middle of the library before getting sternly shushed by an elderly librarian in glasses. Let’s see. I met my baby niece for the first time, which was nice. In December I moved, which was pretty big. In the new house there was a fish tank, so naturally a decision was made to get some fish and for some reason it ended up falling to me to learn everything about keeping warm water tropical fish, so in the space of a couple of weeks I increased my knowledge of that about a thousand percent. And seriously, don’t knock that. If you know nothing about keeping fish, be aware that there is a hell of a lot more that goes into it than simply putting a bunch of fish in water with a heater and some plants and feeding them occasionally.
What else? Oh, I quit my job. No, that gives the wrong impression. I handed in my notice. I don’t actually finish until next Friday. But why, I imagine you scream, at the cost of another shush. Well, as of the next Sunday after that (ie. a week later) I fly to Berlin and begin an indefinite bout of travel. This is something I’m definitely going to go into more depth about, but for now I’ll just say that it seems like the right time to do it so I’m doing it. And, of course, I’ve spent the last few months sorting out stuff for it, which has taken over quite a chunk of my time.
That pretty much covers it. The big stuff, anyway.
On to the future. I always intended this blog to cover more than just my inane scribblings, and hopefully over the coming weeks/months that will come to be. I also am planning on redesigning the look of the blog, so watch this space.
And before I forget, I have a gazillion comments to trawl through and most if not all of them are spam, so if you left a legitimate comment on this blog and want me to see it please repost it, as I’m not sure how soon I’ll be able to bring myself to go through them all.
Keep an eye out for my next post, which will be my nine-months-in-coming Flash Fiction Challenge Number Whatever-Number-It-Was-Up-To, which I’ll be posting imminently.
Like, possibly in the next ten minutes imminently. So you’ve probably seen it first. In which case this is redundant. This is redundant anyway, I think, regardless.
I’ll stop talking now.