
Dribble’s Grand Adventure – Episode 4 “I’ve Still Got It”

So let me set the scene. The session began right where we left off, with me as the only one on guard duty as the others slept, facing off against a troll. Unfortunately, the troll got a higher initiative than I did. So it attacked me. It hit me three times. The first strike took […]


Dribble’s Grand Adventure – Episode 3 “Cave-Ins and Cave Lakes”

This is going to be a short one, partly because we were down a couple of players so ended the session early and partly because WordPress is being a nightmare and I don’t know how long I’ll have before it won’t let me save this anymore. That’s a large part of the reason this is […]


Dribble’s Grand Adventure – Episode 2 “Goblins and Spiders and Oops I Almost Killed Dorne”

The session began right where we left off, somewhere in the darkness of the Underdark. And for the first little while, not too much of note happened. We set off through the dark, with myself taking the lead this time (and doing a surprisingly good job – at least, we seemed to be on the […]


Dribble’s Grand Adventure – Episode 1 “Escape”

Here we go again. Before we start, a brief overview. This campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, and according to the DM, will mostly be a combination of several modules (if we survive to see more than one, that is) plus a little homebrew. We are starting with Out of the Abyss. The campaign […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 24 “Well…”

Well, well, well. Well, well. Well. So, not good news this week. It may not be a five session curse anymore, but rest assured, I am still cursed. Today, that curse spread. Today, we TPK’ed. To begin at the beginning, we began in the haunted forest, attempting to take a long rest. It didn’t go […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 23 “Evil-Blue-Person-Scientist-Tentacle-Face-Creature, Smart Moist, Getting Lent a Hand, and Biting Off More Than We Could Chew”


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 22 “Monsters and Telepathy and Blue People and Fish and Poison…”

Interesting session, this one. Very interesting… We began in the lagoon, where we found the gate leading to the tunnel exit. It was locked, and the only way of getting through that we could see was a hand print beside it, which we could not get to work. Instead, after looking around, I followed the […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 21 “Fenrir’s Muzzle”

This is a very special post for two reasons: first, I think it is fair to say that, now that Moist has survived seven sessions, the 5-session death curse on me has finally lifted; second, this is the 100th post on this blog. That’s a pretty significant milestone that I’m quite proud of. We began […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 20 “The Halls of Hel”

Upon explaining that we were seeking the prince, the shaman gave us permission to enter the Halls of Hel, the abandoned walled town thing which the prince was last spotted by and was the most likely place we would find him. We entered through a portcullis and found ourselves in a long, dark corridor. Travelling […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 19 “Yeah, We Done Real Bad”

First thing’s first: I did not die. Moist managed to survive his fifth session, which makes a nice change, although I’m not going to breathe the sigh of relief that I did when Cardigan managed the same, since look how that turned out. I did come close to dying – we’ll get to that – […]