
Brightwind – Episode 12 “Into the Sea of Frozen Souls”

Let me start off by saying, I honestly thought I already wrote this up. I think I planned it out in my head but then got muddled up enough that I remembered writing it with words instead of just thoughts. Anywho, better late than never. The session began with a four day delay. Monk and […]


Brightwind – Episode 11 “Child Murder and Slime”

Boy, this one was a doozy. Let’s skip the ado. The session began by picking up right where we left the party, the moment they met Count Wattle. They conversed with him for a bit, getting some heavy (and totally intentionally thrown) Dracula vibes before he showed them to their rooms and bid them goodnight. […]


Brightwind – Episode 10 “Brakken the Lightning Conductor”

So this session turned out to be kind of interesting. Some things happened. But also, finally, officially, the players left the Wastes. Let’s get into it. We began with the party leaving the Temple of Mists and beginning their journey north to find the first shard. However, due to their horrific dice rolling, they ended […]