
The Adventures of Moist – Episode 20 “The Halls of Hel”

Upon explaining that we were seeking the prince, the shaman gave us permission to enter the Halls of Hel, the abandoned walled town thing which the prince was last spotted by and was the most likely place we would find him. We entered through a portcullis and found ourselves in a long, dark corridor. Travelling […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 19 “Yeah, We Done Real Bad”

First thing’s first: I did not die. Moist managed to survive his fifth session, which makes a nice change, although I’m not going to breathe the sigh of relief that I did when Cardigan managed the same, since look how that turned out. I did come close to dying – we’ll get to that – […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 18 “I Think We May Have Done Something Terrible”

So, we, uh… we, uh… we done bad, I think. I think we done bad. It’s early to tell, so I might be wrong… but I think we done bad. We started the session with a couple of weeks of downtime, during which Mercenary learned to fight with one arm, Parvus got used to being […]


The Adventures of Moist – Episode 17 “An Interesting Development”

Things did not go as planned. The fight began with Parvus charging into the midst of the fish people, only to learn that the sticky floor was difficult terrain for us, but not for them. He also managed to get grappled by sticking one of his horns to one of their shields. Mercenary moved partway […]