
Brightwind – Episode 21 “Escalating Relations”

We began the session with the party waking in the morning to begin their preparations. They knew that the museum was due to open that evening, so had the day to do what they wanted/needed before they were going to meet there to scope things out and see if they could find the shard. But […]


Brightwind – Episode 20 “Auric Goldtooth’s Goldmine Hotel and Casino”

I finally did it. It only took twenty sessions, but I feel like I finally nailed what I’m going for as a DM. A session that was a little zany, rewarded creative thinking, and was more than a little infuriating for my players. Which makes me reflect on the type of person I am, if […]


Brightwind – Episode 19 “The Hollow Knight and the Rising Flame”

This session was one of the unique ones in our group’s history, because it was one of the few where there was no combat at all. That’s not to say nothing happened; on the contrary, some very interesting things happened. But there was no fighting, or more accurately, no ‘action’ sequences. The session began with […]


Brightwind – Episode 18 “A… Development”

This is gonna be big. But probably not long. …that’s what she said. The session began with the party planning how they wanted to acquire the shard from the train. They went back and forth, but in the end, they decided to plant an Instant Fortress (a magic item that they acquired a few sessions […]