
D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 17 “It Happened Again”

No bullshit. I’m not even kidding. Zero is dead. Five episodes, and Zero is dead. This is uncanny. I think I might be cursed. Let’s start at the beginning. Obviously, the assault on Gruddhaug didn’t go so well. The next stage was fine. As we came up the ramp towards the entrance to the main […]


D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 16 Part 2 “Assault on Gruddhaug”

Given that we had nearly a week’s wait until our hired knights would arrive, we decided to give Gruddhaug another reconnoitre to see the effect our dropping a giant from the sky had on its inhabitants. We were planning on further mayhem, but then we discovered that the Mallakarthian reinforcements were extensive, and included a […]


D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 16 Part 1 “The Drop”

Our latest session was cut short on account of my having some internet troubles, so this is only part one, the second part to come after we finish up on Sunday (which, it turns out, we are able to do). That being said, for a short session that was interrupted often by lost internet connections, […]


D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 15 “Giants and Goblins and Wyverns Oh My”

Two minor pieces of housekeeping before we begin: first, I am a wizard now, because of several reasons, but mainly because its what I wanted (and, as if to reinforce the wisdom of this decision, I’m pretty sure that making the change saved us from a TPK this week), and second, I have officially shattered […]


D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 14 “Another Giant Fight”

Pun intended. It’ll make sense. We arrived at Pelor’s Blessing, the agricultural town run by halflings and firbolg, which had been attacked by giants about two weeks before and was our first lead in researching the troubles in the north, and were met by Abbott Newtree, the spiritual leader of the town. He welcomed us […]


D&D Adventures in Talmar – Episode 13 “Beginnings and Ends and Beginnings and…”

….almost a TPK. Seriously, we were so close. So, so close. The session began with the party, along with Cedric and Rain, in the Kennels, surrounded by Winston and his men. He was calling for us to come out, while we were exploring our options. While Rain, Cedric and I kept vigil at the front […]